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  • A solid career foundation

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Sonja Morath passed through the 15-month trainee program and gained a lot of valuable experience for her professional life.

A lot can change in 15 months, as Sonja Morath discovered when she applied for a place on the MAN Energy Solutions trainee program in 2022. “The program was the perfect bridge between my 
academic education and its practical application in the world of work,” ­Sonja ­Morath remembers. Her expectations were correspondingly high: “I was looking for a dynamic workplace that would present me with new challenges every day and translate my fascination with innovation into action.” Immediately after completing her master’s degree in International Business and Economics specializing in Innovation Management, she joined our company as a trainee 
in October 2022, working in Product 
Management, Business Development, 
Innovation Management and Strategy. The program also included time abroad 
at Research Centre Copenhagen. 
Sonja Morath has particularly vivid memories of the time she spent working in Production in Augsburg and at H-TEC SYSTEMS: “It 
was very demanding at times, but I learned an incredible amount. I really take my hat off to everyone in 

A professional home in Innovation Management

Above all, she liked how the trainee program could be customized and so tailored specifically to her needs and interests. “I knew from the outset that I would ultimately like to find my professional home in Group Innovation Management, so I was able to choose the departments where I wanted to spend time with that goal in mind. By moving between different areas, I discovered tasks that fostered my abilities and interests, but also encountered activities that were not quite what I had envisaged. It was a very revealing process,” says Sonja Morath, offering a positive summing-up of her instructive journey through the company. She now has an extensive network to build on and knows where her abilities and interests lie. She would therefore recommend 
the trainee program unreservedly, as, from her point of view, the experience and knowledge a person acquires in those 15 months are a solid foundation for any future career. Sonja Morath puts the most important lesson she took away with her like this: “Adaptability and lifelong learning in working life are of crucial importance. The 
program showed me very clearly just how important it 
is to remain flexible and open to new challenges and learning opportunities.”

I knew from the outset that I would ultimately like to find my professional home in Group Innovation Management, so I was able to choose the departments where I wanted to spend time with that goal in mind.

Sonja Morath

The MAN Energy Solutions
trainee program

The international trainee program has 15 places available in Germany, India, Dubai, Denmark and the USA in 2024. The program starts on 1 October 2024 and lasts 15 months.It is aimed at external graduates with an excellent bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Other requirements:

  • At least four months of experience abroad
  • No more than one year of professional experience
  • Relevant practical experience from internships or working student jobs
  • A very good knowledge of English (German and other languages an advantage)
  • Non-academic engagement and a high degree of team spirit, self-initiative, flexibility and entrepreneurial thinking
If you are interested or have any questions,
please contact Marion Eickers (HDL).

Group Innovation
Management – GI

  • Identification, analysis and promotion of future fields of technology and innovation
  • Promoting the internal transfer of know-how
  • Supporting innovation processes
  • Cross-location coordination of innovation topics
  • Acquiring funding and establishing cooperation and knowledge networks with external partners

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